How to Install StatsApp

  1. Installing StatsApp is simple. Just download the file from the latest version linked here.
  2. Run the application.

    NOTE: THIS APPLICATION IS NOT SIGNED. This means Windows will show an unknown publisher message when the app launches. Click Run Anyway to continue installing StatsApp. This window may show again after the application launches.

  3. Follow any instructions given by the installer.
  4. Run the application from the start menu.

    NOTE: If you manually open the application from the .exe file, Use Launcher.exe instead of StatsApp.exe. The application fails to start correctly when launched using the StatsApp.exe file.

Need to update manually?

  1. Download the file from the latest version.
  2. Unzip the contents into the StatsApp installation folder. OVERWRITE the old files

    NOTE: The version number will not update when the files change. That is a seperate file.

Any Issues? Submit a ticket!

You can submit a ticket by clicking here.